RI Registration Number: 29516
Quality Workmanship at Competitive Rates
As a homeowner, you have a lot of responsibility on your plate. There are so many elements in your house that need to be regularly inspected, maintained, repaired, and replaced. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. Should your roof be damaged, your entire household could be at risk. Other than the regular annual inspection, there are a few situations where you need to bring in professionals. Let's take a look at some of those situations that should move you to call a local roofing company.
If a powerful storm has hit your area, it's wise to call in roofing experts to take a peek at your roof. It's possible that debris, wind, or hail have damaged your roof. If that's the case, you'll want to have the damage fixed as quickly as possible. A professional will be able to patch up any cosmetic issues, look for moisture leaks, and check for structural damage.
It's smart to schedule regular roof cleanings. In fact, according to Better Homes & Gardens, thorough, regular roof cleanings could allow homeowners to maximize their shingle life for up to 25 years or more. Not only will this help your roof last longer, but your property will look better. Fortunately, you can work with a local roofing company to have your roof routinely cleaned.
If shingles are starting to visibly peel, you'll want to address the issue before the damage spreads. Should only a few shingles be peeling, a roofer may be able to simply fix or replace them. If your roof is older, with numerous shingles that are peeling, it's time to consider replacing your roof outright.
One threat that some property owners look past is mold. As your roof ages and begins to wear out, it could become more susceptible to mold. Should mold take root on your roof, you'll want to address it quickly before it can spread and cause further damage. Moisture can cause sagging and other serious structural issues.
You should have your roof regularly inspected. Professional roofers can do a walk-around and look for any potential issues. Should they find something, they can document it and offer a course of action. By fixing roofing problems quickly, you can often minimize repair bills and damage. If you're searching for a
local roofing company, look no further than S & S Construction Solutions, LLC! We bring nearly 20 years of experience to every roof. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
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